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Our Special Interest Groups (SIGS)

About Sigs
Special Interest Groups + How to Join.

Women’s Club currently offers over 22 Special Interest Groups— affectionately called "SIGs" — where members can pursue hobbies, interests, join book clubs, develop their talents, go on day trips, or explore something they've always wanted to do. You must first become a member of WCGL to participate in a SIG.

SIG events and activities are posted on each SIG’s description below. For information or to sign up, please call or email any of the chairpersons listed on the individual SIG pages. Chairs can also provide up-to-date meeting details. 


If you would like to share ideas for starting a new SIG, or if you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Keas.


Cynthia Keas, 2nd Vice President

Be Inspired. Socialize. Connect.

Antique Addicts - Open


This fun reorganized SIG will have a number of group activities on Antiques. Some include: demonstrations, reports, reviews, and outing to various antique stores as well as programs. The group will meet on the 4th Monday of each month. Please contact Cheryl May for more information.

Cheryl May, Chair

Image by Jazmin Quaynor
Canasta- Open


Canasta is a really fun card game and a great way to meet new friends! Canasta is played at the Lakeway Activity Center on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Play is from 12:30-3:30 p.m. An email is sent to all members of the SIG prior to each date and you can respond if you are able to play.

Please feel free to email Peggy Clements at for more information. Looking forward to a fun year!

Peggy Clements, Chair

Image by Alessandro Bogliari
Dining Dames- Open


Dining Dames are on a mission to find the best Cuisine/Restaurants in Austin. We hope to explore various cuisines and locations around Austin.

Allison Rudnick, Chair

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Dining Dames
Dinner Club
Dinner Club- Closed


One of the best ways to meet people and develop lasting friendships in Lakeway is by joining the Dinner Club. Dinner Club members and their spouses or significant others meet three
times for a casual and fun evening with two other couples to enjoy good conversation and great food.

Pat Younger, Chair

Image by Jordan Arnold
Dotties Follies
Image by Nadim Merrikh
Dottie’s Follies- Open


Dottie’s Follies is a dance group that performs for special occasions. This group is open to ladies who desire to learn dance routines and perform while improving their mental and physical fitness levels.

Dottie Stevenson, Chair

Galloping Gourmets- Closed

Galloping Gourmets members enjoy monthly luncheons at a variety of restaurants on the first Friday of each month. These gatherings offer a great opportunity to share lunch with friends as well as to make new friends. Dues are $20 per year.

Susan Jerke, Marianna Jacobs & Pamela Swafford Co-Chairs

Image by Jay Wennington
Galloping Gourmet
Garden Club- Open


Lakeway Garden Club encourages all plant and gardening lovers to join our educational, monthly meetings. We feature knowledgeable guest presentations, garden tours, and other events.
Meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. There is a yearly membership fee of $30.00.

Kristine Moore, Chair

Garden Club
Girlfriend's Social Hor
Girlfriends' Social Hour- Open


Greetings to all our socially minded ladies. We hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready to enjoy a fun-filled fall. Our SIG meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4-6 p.m. at venues in Lakeway to socialize with our girlfriends, enjoy beverages and food of choice.

An Evite is sent each month with all the event details.

Jackie Mata, Chair

Image by Matthieu Joannon
Hike + Bike- Open

Do you love hiking, bicycling, caving, kayaking, or swimming? Spontaneous outings occur on perfect weather days, a few times per year. We meet for planned outings on the 1st Thursday of the month most months.

Lynne LeMon, Chair

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Hike & Bike
Intermediate Level
Chicago Style Bridge


We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month. The group will play Chicago Style, which is briefly defined as a form of contract bridge and a variation of rubber bridge, in which one or more sets of four deals are played and scored. This game is well-suited to club and home play. While the auction and play of the hand are the same as rubber bridge, Chicago bridge has some additional unique features. If you are an intermediate range player and are interested in joining us or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Peg Truckenbrod & Debbie Carver, Co-Chairs

Playing Cards
Chicago Bridge
Lakeway Investment Partners- Open


Lakeway Investment Partners welcomes any Women’s Club member, who has an interest in investing in the stock market. We buy and sell stocks, and at each meeting we have lively discussions on the performance of the stocks we hold or are interested in buying.
Members of Lakeway Investment Partners each make an initial investment of $1,000 and invest an additional $100 each quarter. Lakeway Investment Partners hold their monthly meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month (except July) beginning at 1:30 p.m. We usually meet in members homes.

Whether you are brand new to investing or a seasoned investor, check us out.

Deanna Allen & Cheryl May, Co-Chairs

Image by Lukas Blazek
Let's Do Brunch
Let's Do Brunch!- Open


Let’s Do Brunch! features monthly get-togethers which meet on the 1st Monday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Each month will have a different theme and be held at a member’s home.
There will be a per-event donation for this SIG.
Jacquelyn Foreman

Mahjongg Mavens
Mahjongg Mavens- Open


The Mah Jongg Mavens meet monthly at the Lake Travis Community Library.   Playdates can vary due to the availability of the library’s meeting room but are usually on the 3rd or 4th Friday of the month from 1-4PM.  All levels of play are welcome, and all players need a current year Mah Jongg card.   Members will receive a reminder email each month to which they can RSVP.    

Leslee Minahan, Chair

Out and About- Open


This group takes day trips twice a year to different interesting venues close by or in small towns that are intriguing. Trips often include restaurants, shopping and specific areas of interest related to the venue. These outings provide opportunities for a day of socialization and friendly fun.

Robin Hermann, Chair

Image by Mitchell Kmetz
Out and About
Singles- Open


We are a group of single ladies who meet monthly for various activities such as going to movies, shopping, dining out, visiting local venues (museum exhibits, outdoor markets) volunteer activities, and so on. Members take turns planning outings each month and our meeting days vary depending on the activity that is planned. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Dee Hall.

Dee Hall, Chair

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"A" Book Club


The “A” Book Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. For more information please contact our Chair.

Julie Hardin, Chair

Stitches and Yarns
Stitches and Yarns


We meet at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd Monday of each month all year.
We share projects, exchange information of common interest, and offer suggestions and encouragement for solving design questions.
We are open for new members who are interested in any of the fiber arts.
Jean Ford, Chair

Womens Club of Greater Lakeway
“B” Literates - Open


The “B” Literates meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. If this book club is in your future, please join us. Visitors are always welcome.

Pam Swafford & Joyce Christian, Co-Chairs

A Book
B Literates
Chatty Critics - Open


Chatty Critics reads a mix of fiction and non-fiction during the year, including historical fiction, mysteries/detectives, and biographies. We also include one book either about Texas or by a Texas author. We meet on the 1st Mondays at 1:00 p.m.

Stephanie Teichman, Chair

Literary Ladies of Lakeway- Open

The Literary Ladies of Lakeway meet in members’ homes on the 2nd Wednesday of each month where we enjoy a light lunch and our book discussion. Our group reads a mix of fiction and non-fiction works, as well as one classic each year.

Kimberly Lenz, Chair

The Voyagers Book Club- Open


The Voyagers Book Club meets the 4th Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. We welcome visitors and new members.

Peg Truckenbrod, Chair

Wine With Words- Open


We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. for dinner, wine, and lively discussions at a member’s home. Members are asked to host (or co-host) one meeting annually. Our book selections cover all genres. Our meetings are social and fun. For more information about this unique book club, please contact one of the co-chairs.

Teresa Kennedy & Pat Long, Co-Chairs

Wine Bottles

The Women's Club of Greater Lakeway is a 501(c)(7) organization. Our objective is to promote the social, cultural and intellectual growth of our members. For information, please contact any of our Executive Committee members.

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